Thursday, May 21, 2009

The New American Idol

Not my usual kind of post.

I know it seems silly to spend every week watching nobody's like they are now somebody, but every star was once a nobody. I love the show, the entertainment, and there are so many other reality shows out there that are in my opinion nasty and awful, our family just loves this one. This year either one of these guys deserved to win. Adam is a fantastic performer, has a great voice, however Kris can sing great as well. I have kind of doubted his performance ability till I saw him last night singing with Keith Urban, and did a fantastic job might I add. I've been saying all along that if he hadn't been competing against Adam Lambert he would win. Well, he won in spite of it. I just love his story, young, newly married college student, worship leader at his church, you know the kind of guy you would want your daughter to marry. I'm not concerned about Adam, I think he will be very successful and all the little teeny boppers out there will find someone else to obsess over tomorrow. Oh, and I could have just died when KISS came out in full get up!!! That brought me to my feet!! I guess there is still a smidge of teeny bopper left in me.

1 comment:

7578 said...

i love american idol too! seems that so many people with talent.